Sunday, March 26, 2006

How to Drink More Water Everyday

How to Drink More Water Everyday

There are a variety of reasons to drink plenty of water each day. For example, pure water prevents dehydration, cleans out the body, promotes healing processes, and serves as a substitute for less healthy drinks. Here are some ways to increase your water intake.

Steps :

Make a conscious decision to drink more water.
Begin measuring your water intake, with the goal of drinking half your weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., strive to drink 75 ounces of water per day.
Make it a habit to drink a sip of water between every bite while you're eating, but make sure this doesn't upset your stomach. If it does, reduce your fluid intake while eating to a level that you're physically comfortable with.
Carry water with you everywhere you go in a bottle or some other container. Before long, you'll find yourself reaching for it without a second thought.
Keep a glass or cup of water next to you whenever you'll be sitting down for a long time, like at your desk. Drink from it regularly as you're working.
Try wearing a digital watch that beeps at the beginning of each hour. Use that as a reminder to pour yourself a glass of water. Vow to drink that water before the next beep. (Remember to turn off the beeping function of your watch during concerts or in quiet areas!)

Tips :

Except in very rare cases, it is not necessary to buy expensive bottled water. Companies that sell water have a financial interest in convincing you that tap water is undesirable. However, if you choose to drink tap water, please be aware of the pollutants and additional chemicals that exist in many tap water sources. This buildup of chemicals in your body has been linked to numerous prolonged health problems. Looking into a simple water filtration system will help cut down on these risks.
Instead of that Coke, try a glass of water. It may not be as exciting, but it is better than drinking almost ten teaspoons of white sugar (which is one of the very worst health offenders). It's also considerably cheaper (especially from the tap).
If you really can't stand the taste of your water, try adding a tiny bit of fruit juice - just enough to slightly change the taste. Or, try adding lemon or lime to your water. It will make it easier to drink. Putting your water into the fridge also helps.
For a feeling of accomplishment, buy 2 brightly colored 32 oz. water bottles. At the beginning of the day, fill them up, then make sure you have consumed the contents of both by the end of the day.
The body needs to burn calories to maintain itself at its critical operating temperature of 98.6 degrees. If you drink eight to ten glasses of ice-cold water everyday, the body will burn excess calories in order to raise the temperature to 98.6! If you drink eight glasses - 64 oz. - of ice-cold water every day, your body will have to burn about 70 calories per day to warm that water to body temperature. To lose 1 pound, you need to burn around 3,500 calories
Drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning helps wake the body up and gives it energy. So kick-start your day with water!
Water makes you look good! By flushing out toxins and impurities, your skin becomes clearer, smoother and younger looking.
By drinking lots of water, you are helping your system to flush out impurities.
Drinking water helps to keep hunger away. Drink a large glass of ice water just before meals. The cold causes your stomach to shrink somewhat, which will make you feel full more rapidly. Note: digestion is strongly affected by too much water, water that is too cold, carbonated liquids, and alcoholic liquids, such that digestions work less efficiently, and may negatively affect your body's ability to regulate what is stored as fat and what is processed more directly.
Whether drinking tap or bottled water, do some research on the source, if you have the time. In some places (like Philadelphia) it turns out that the elecrolytes in gatorade, are present in the tap water (but to a smaller degree, and less of it is sugar), it's also possible that your house has lead piping, or your bottled water may be from a different source than the title suggests.
If you find out you have lead plumbing, and water is abundant in your area, turning on the water for about thirty seconds, (or washing the dishes in cold water) can get some of the lead, and its bad taste out. Do this when you are about to drink if you haven't done so for about a day, and only if there is plenty of water and no shortage.
On the topic of bottled water, be sure you are in the know about the source of the water. Many times you are drinking tap water that has been bottled by the company. If it says 'Municipal Water Supply' or something to that effect, then it is tap water, and you're probably wasting your money.


Increasing your water intake may cause you to have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. To avoid this, you may want to stop drinking water a few hours before bedtime.
While 8 glasses (64oz) of water per day is the general rule, there IS such a thing as drinking too much water or any other beverage, and there's been considerable scientific debate surrounding how much water or any liquid a person really needs per day.
People with some heart conditions and swelling of the lower legs (edema) need to avoid extra water. If you have a history of kidney problems, then it is best to talk to your doctor before increasing your fluid intakes. Especially for those with transplants, this can become a serious issue.

Things You'll Need :

Bottle (Optional)
Money, only if you buy bottled water. (Small amount needed for Tap Water to cover water bill)


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